動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/rent apartment/rent apartment?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ What does $1300 rent you in Chicago, today? 2018-04-24 相關報導: - What does $1300 rent you in Chicago, today? Hoodline 【 https://hoodline.com/2018/04/what-does-1-300-rent-you-in-chicago-today-1524520549 】 ◎ 'A lot of the Swiss rental market is about having personal connections' 2018-04-24 相關報導: - 'A lot of the Swiss rental market is about having personal connections' The Local Switzerland 【 https://www.thelocal.ch/20180424/a-lot-of-the-swiss-rental-market-is-about-having-personal-connections 】 ◎ Is it better to buy or rent in Los Angeles? 2018-04-25 相關報導: - Is it better to buy or rent in Los Angeles? Curbed LA 【 https://la.curbed.com/2018/4/24/17272564/rent-or-buy-which-is-better-los-angeles 】 ◎ TREB releases market data on GTA condo rentals 2018-04-24 相關報導: - TREB releases market data on GTA condo rentals REMI Network - Real Estate Management Industry Network 【 https://www.reminetwork.com/articles/treb-releases-market-data-on-gta-condo-rentals/ 】 - Rental Prices Surging in Mississauga insauga.com 【 https://www.insauga.com/rental-prices-surging-in-mississauga 】 ◎ Two-bedrooms are renting for $6600 in new Hollywood tower next to Capitol Records 2018-04-24 相關報導: - Two-bedrooms are renting for $6600 in new Hollywood tower next to Capitol Records Curbed LA 【 https://la.curbed.com/2018/4/23/17271212/hollywood-apartments-argyle-house-rent-photos 】